Wersja angielska
Technical inspection
Scope of technical inspection Technical Inspection Council conducts technical inspection of: the structure of a ship and its hull, particularly in the aspects of its strength and stability; the structure of engine and boiler rooms and bunkers; safe clearance, freeboard, including minimum freeboard, as well as draught marks and draught scale; manoeuvrability; steering system; wheelhouse; […]
Ship measurements
Application for conducting ship measurements According to the Article 26 Section 4 of amended Act of 21 December 2000 on inland navigation (Dz. U. of 2006, no. 123, item 857 as amended) the tonnage certificate for inland waterways vessels is issued by the director of Inland navigation Office. Ship operator submits an application to the […]
On the water
About us
Home Page
Crew documents
Edition of the sailor’s workbook
Radar observer
List of track closures of the Szczecin Podjuchy SPA route
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec ante ultricies, sagittis eros vitae, blandit massa. Etiam dapibus mattis nibh eu mollis. Aenean eget rhoncus lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec ante ultricies, sagittis eros vitae, blandit massa. Etiam dapibus mattis nibh eu mollis. Aenean eget […]
Central Examination Commission
The Central Examinations Board operates by the Director of the Inland Navigation Office in Szcze-cin under the article 27 act 1 of the regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 23 January 2003 concerning the professional qualifications and the team of the crew of the ships of inland navigation (Dz.U. No. 50, item 427 as amended).
Local Examination Commission
The Field Examinations Board operates by the Director of the Inland Navigation Office in Szczecin under the article 27 act 1 of the regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 23 January 2003 con-cerning the professional qualifications and the team of the crew of the ships of inland navigation (Dz.U. No. 50, item 427 as amended).
Swimming lift
Ship documents
Ship register
Inspections and measurements
Ship safety documents
Inland Navigation Office in Szczecin Plac Batorego 4 (4 Batory Square) 70-207 Szczecin Telefon +48 91 43 40 279 Faks +48 91 43 40 129 E-mail ris@ris-odra.pl
Messages for NTS Captains
The service of messages for ship captains (NtS) is one of the key components of the RIS – River Information System. An NtS message is standardised, coded and downloadable and contains (at least) information necessary for safe navigation.
Electronic navigation maps
The structure, format and content of IENC – Inland Electronic Navigational Charts is standardised. They are issued by the authorized institutions for the purpose of using them in imaging electronic maps and navigational information from Inland ECDIS. The structure, format and content of IENC – Inland Electronic Navigational Charts is standardised. They are issued by […]
Inland ECDIS
Hydrometeorological conditions
Interactive map of the RIS centre area
Area from cameras
Technical Inspection Commission
Inland navigation Office in Szczecin Plac Batorego 4 70-207 Szczecin Rooms no. 27, 28 Telefon 91 43 40 279 501 762 637 E-mail komisja@szczecin.uzs.gov.pl
Inspection Commission
The objectives of Inspection Council The Technical Inspection Council was established by the Director of Inland navigation Office in Szczecin in order to execute its objectives as inspection council, namely: Ship measurements <<<< see more information >>>> Technical inspection <<<< see more information >>>> Composition of Inspection Council Chairman of Inspection CouncilExpert – Inland navigation […]
Minimum technical requirements applicable to ships navigating on the inland waterways of areas 1, 2, 3 and 4
The webpage of Technical Directive was created to present the provisions of this directive, their connection to the domestic regulations and to present the procedures which are used by the Technical Commission of Inspection while conducting the inspectional activities.
Qualified organizations
Ship safety documents
A ship may be admitted to the navigation when it receives one of the following documents of ship safety:
Ships equipment
Legal provisions
Documents to download
Application for realization of the technical inspection (DOC) Application for realization of the technical inspection (PDF) Application for the measurement of a ship (DOC) Application for the measurement of a ship (PDF)
Conformity assessment
Delivery Information
Useful links
Settle the case
Issuance of documents
documents to download
Account numbers for payment
Inland Navigation Department
Information about the Office
Inspectorate of Inland Navigation in Szczecin commenced its operations in February of 1961, taking over supervision of the inland waterways from the Zones of Waterways in Szczecin and Gorzow. The office of the Inspectorate was assigned the location comprising of two rooms at ul. Łasztowa 55 (later ul. Energetyków), where it operated until 1994.
Director Of The Office
dr inż. Piotr Durajczyk Director of the Office of Inland Navigation in Szczecin The competencies of the Director of Inland Navigation in Szczecin include matters related to government administration related to entitlement of navigation on inland waterways in the scope regulated by the Act of 21 December 2000 on Inland Navigation. The competencies of the […]
Operating range
Legal statute of the Inland Navigation Authority in Szczecin
Director of the Office of Inland Navigation in Szczecin is a field waterway authority acting on the basis of the Act of 21 December 2000 on Inland Navigation (Dz. U. of 2006 No. 123, item. 857, as amended.)
Territorial scope of activity
Information on the territorial scope of activities of the Inland Navigation Office in Szczecin
Inland shipping offices in Poland
The website contains information about the Inland Navigation Offices in Poland along with their contact details
Job Ads
Dyrektor Urzędu Żeglugi Śródlądowej w Szczecinie poszukuje kandydatów na stanowisko:
Project EMMA
Inspectors for the Supervision of Shipping
Szczecin branch
Shipping supervision inspectors - Szczecin branch
Gryfino branch
Shipping supervision inspectors - Gryfino branch
Kostshin branch on the Oder
Shipping supervision inspectors - Kostrzyn nad Odrą branch
Pilots in inland navigation
List of pilots providing pilotage services within the local jurisdiction of the University of Silesia in Szczecin
Rights of passengers travelling by inland waterway
Director of the Office of Inland Navigation in Szczecin is the competent body to handle complaints regarding violations of the rights of passengers traveling by means of inland waterways on the basis of the following acts:
Public orders
Legal provisions
Provisions of Polish legislation
Local law provisions
Provisions of European Union law
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