Ship measurements
Application for conducting ship measurements
According to the Article 26 Section 4 of amended Act of 21 December 2000 on inland navigation (Dz. U. of 2006, no. 123, item 857 as amended) the tonnage certificate for inland waterways vessels is issued by the director of Inland navigation Office.
Ship operator submits an application to the director of Inland navigation Office for conducting ship measurements according to the pattern defined in the annex no.1 to the Regulation of Minister of Infrastructure of 22 June 2010 on inland waterways ship measurements (Dz. U. no. 115, item 772) – the application is available to download on our website in the folder “files for download”.
After conducting measurements by the Inspection Council or an authorised entity, the inspection body issues tonnage certificate on the basis of the measurement protocol.
Afterwards, ship operator submits an application to the Office for issuance/extension of tonnage certificate (application form is available for download on our website in folder “files for download”).
The following terms define:
- Carrying capacity [t] – the maximum weight of cargo, fuel and mobile ballast that a ship can carry, which is defined as the difference between the displacement of a ship submerged to the plane of maximum draught and the displacement of an empty ship that was measured in fresh water (density 1000 t/m3);
- displacement [m] – the volume of fresh water displaced by a ship at particular draught that is equal to volume of the submerged part of hull;
- length [m] – the length of hull without rubbing strakes, anchor supports and rudder blade;
- maximum length or ship’s dimensional length [m] – the length of hull measured including permanent parts of a ship, such as rubbing stakes, anchor supports and rudder blade;
- beam [m] – width at the widest point of hull measured from the outer surface of plating, without rubbing stakes and paddle wheels guards;
- maximum beam or dimensional beam [m] – maximum beam of a ship measured in the widest spot, to the outer edges of permanent parts of a ship, such as rubbing stakes and paddle wheels guards;
- height [m] – height of hull measured in the plane of amidships to the lower edge of keel to the upper edge of upper deck;
- maximum arterial altitude [m] – altitude measured from the load line of an empty ship to the highest point of a ship
- minimum arterial altitude [m] – altitude measured from the load line of an empty ship to the highest point of the non-demountable part of hull after lowering or dismantling wheelhouse, deck-house, mast or funnel;
- minimum freeboard [m] – a distance measured in the plane of amidships from the load line of maximum permissible draught to the upper edge of main deck;
- average draught [m] – average arithmetical value of draughts read from draught scale for particular water-plane area;
- maximum draught [m] – to the plane of maximum permissible draught
Ship that is to be measured must meet the following conditions:
- it should be without cargo or mobile ballast;
- it should have minimum fuel supply, not exceeding 0.5% of maximum permissible ship dis-placement;
- there should be properly deployed full equipment, crew and provisions, however, the provi-sions of fresh water should not exceed 0.5% of maximum permissible ship displacement;
- the systems should be in working order;
- there should be bilge and ballast water that cannot be discharged from bilges and ballast containers in ordinary way;
- it should be equipped in machine devices.
The measurement is conducted:
- in the water of density 1000t/m3, hereinafter referred to as “fresh water”;
- during windless weather or in the place sheltered from wind and waves;
- on stagnant water;
- deepness of water under the keel should be no less than 30 cm.
If the ship that is to be measured does not meet the abovementioned conditions, or if the measurement was conducted in conditions different from those mentioned earlier, then the differences regarding load or density of water should be taken into account during calculations.
Measurement of a cargo ship consist of determining its deadweight and following hull measurements:
- length
- beam
- height
- draught
- minimum freeboard
- maximum length
- maximum beam
- maximum arterial altitude
- minimum arterial altitude
In the case of measurement of a ship that is not intended to carry cargo, beside determining hull measurements and overall dimensions, it is limited to calculating displacement for the plane of maximum permissible draught and for the light waterline, or for one of them, by using simplified calculation method.
To calculate the displacement, the measurements given in specification sheet of ship might be used.
Calculating the displacement for particular waterline with the use of simplified method is done by multiplying the length of waterline by its width and average draught, designated in the middle of waterline’s length and determined by the hull form coefficient.
The form coefficient is defined on the basis of the specification sheet of ship. If there are no hydrostatic curves, the coefficient value is that, which is generally used for particular type of ship. In the absence of other basis, the form coefficient is 0.7.
The verification of measurements is conducted in order to affirm if all data provided in tonnage certification is accurate and complete and to check the measurements, including the draught of empty ship by each draught mark.
During the next ship measurement the invalid draught marks, measurement symbols and draught scales are removed.
Draught mark consists of a 300-meter horizontal line and 200-meter vertical line, which is situated under the horizontal one at its mid-length, or it is made of a 300×40 mm horizontal plate and 200×40 mm vertical plate, which is situated under the horizontal plate at its mid-length.
The number of draught marks depends on the purpose and length of a vessel and cannot be less than:
- three pairs – in the case of cargo ship that length is equal or more than 40 m;
- two pairs – in the case of cargo ship that length is less than 40m;
- one pair – in the case of a ship that is not intended to carry a cargo.
Draught marks are placed on both sides of a ship, so that the horizontal line or the lower edge of horizontal plate was at the same level as the plane of maximum permissible draught for which a ship was measured.
Draught marks are placed symmetrically in regard to the geometric centre of the waterline lying at the mid-length of a distance between the water-plane area and the plane of maximum permissible draught.
The distance between draught marks should be 1/n of ship’s length, where n is the number of pairs of marks greater than 1.
Draught marks are permanently inscribed by carving or punching a line or by welding plates on plating. They should be also painted in appropriate contrastive colours.
Measurement symbol consist of distinguishing letter of inspection body and the number of tonnage certificate.
Measurement symbol is permanently inscribed on draught marks. It should be placed in well visible place, defined in tonnage certification, in any part of ship, so as it is not exposed to damage.
Measurement symbols shall be inscribed on all draught marks if the number of pairs is greater than 2. When there are 3 pairs of marks, symbols should be inscribed only on the middle pair.
On the hull plating, alongside draught marks, draught scale should be placed.
Types, size, arrangement, technique of making and the colours of the scale should comply with PN-W-18052 (ISO 7606) standards.
The lower edge of keel or, in the case of keel’s absence, the lower edge of hull is considered to be a datum – point zero of draught scale.
Draught scale of a ship that is not intended to carry cargo and which draught is not more than 1 m, is placed upon the request of ship operator.
Application for issuance of tonnage certificate.
Ship operator submits application for issuance/expansion of tonnage certification to the Office. (Application form is available for download on our website in the folder “files for download”)
The following documents should be attached to application:
- Certification of ship measurement
- Tonnage measurement
The Office of Inland navigation in Szczecin charges the following fees:
- Tonnage certification for cargo ships – PLN 150
- Tonnage certification for ships that are not intended to carry cargo – PLN 100
- Duplicate of tonnage certificate – PLN 60
Fees do not include the charges for activities connected with ship measurement.
The fees for particular activities connected with ship measurement are defined in annex no. 5 of the Regulation by Minister of Infrastructure from 22 June 2010 on inland waterways ship tonnage measurements (Dz. U. no. 115, item 772)
Fees for activities connected with ship measurement
The following terms define:
- Carrying capacity [t] – the maximum weight of cargo, fuel and mobile ballast that a ship can carry, which is defined as the difference between the displacement of a ship submerged to the plane of maximum draught and the displacement of an empty ship that was measured in fresh water (density 1000 t/m3);
- displacement [m] – the volume of fresh water displaced by a ship at particular draught that is equal to volume of the submerged part of hull;
- length [m] – the length of hull without rubbing strakes, anchor supports and rudder blade;
- maximum length or ship’s dimensional length [m] – the length of hull measured including permanent parts of a ship, such as rubbing stakes, anchor supports and rudder blade;
- beam [m] – width at the widest point of hull measured from the outer surface of plating, without rubbing stakes and paddle wheels guards;
- maximum beam or dimensional beam [m] – maximum beam of a ship measured in the widest spot, to the outer edges of permanent parts of a ship, such as rubbing stakes and paddle wheels guards;
- height [m] – height of hull measured in the plane of amidships to the lower edge of keel to the upper edge of upper deck;
- maximum arterial altitude [m] – altitude measured from the load line of an empty ship to the highest point of a ship
- minimum arterial altitude [m] – altitude measured from the load line of an empty ship to the highest point of the non-demountable part of hull after lowering or dismantling wheelhouse, deck-house, mast or funnel;
- minimum freeboard [m] – a distance measured in the plane of amidships from the load line of maximum permissible draught to the upper edge of main deck;
- average draught [m] – average arithmetical value of draughts read from draught scale for particular water-plane area;
- maximum draught [m] – to the plane of maximum permissible draught
Ship that is to be measured must meet the following conditions:
- it should be without cargo or mobile ballast;
- it should have minimum fuel supply, not exceeding 0.5% of maximum permissible ship displacement;
- there should be properly deployed full equipment, crew and provisions, however, the provisions of fresh water should not exceed 0.5% of maximum permissible ship displacement;
- the systems should be in working order;
- there should be bilge and ballast water that cannot be discharged from bilges and ballast containers in ordinary way;
- it should be equipped in machine devices.
The measurement is conducted:
- in the water of density 1000t/m3, hereinafter referred to as “fresh water”;
- during windless weather or in the place sheltered from wind and waves;
- on stagnant water;
- deepness of water under the keel should be no less than 30 cm.
If the ship that is to be measured does not meet the abovementioned conditions, or if the measurement was conducted in conditions different from those mentioned earlier, then the differences regarding load or density of water should be taken into account during calculations.
Measurement of a cargo ship consist of determining its deadweight and following hull measurements:
- length
- beam
- height
- draught
- minimum freeboard
- maximum length
- maximum beam
- maximum arterial altitude
- minimum arterial altitude
In the case of measurement of a ship that is not intended to carry cargo, beside determining hull measurements and overall dimensions, it is limited to calculating displacement for the plane of maximum permissible draught and for the light waterline, or for one of them, by using simplified calculation method.
To calculate the displacement, the measurements given in specification sheet of ship might be used.
Calculating the displacement for particular waterline with the use of simplified method is done by multiplying the length of waterline by its width and average draught, designated in the middle of waterline’s length and determined by the hull form coefficient.
The form coefficient is defined on the basis of the specification sheet of ship. If there are no hydrostatic curves, the coefficient value is that, which is generally used for particular type of ship. In the absence of other basis, the form coefficient is 0.7.
The verification of measurements is conducted in order to affirm if all data provided in tonnage certification is accurate and complete and to check the measurements, including the draught of empty ship by each draught mark.
During the next ship measurement the invalid draught marks, measurement symbols and draught scales are removed.
Draught mark consists of a 300-meter horizontal line and 200-meter vertical line, which is situated under the horizontal one at its mid-length, or it is made of a 300×40 mm horizontal plate and 200×40 mm vertical plate, which is situated under the horizontal plate at its mid-length.
The number of draught marks depends on the purpose and length of a vessel and cannot be less than:
- three pairs – in the case of cargo ship that length is equal or more than 40 m;
- two pairs – in the case of cargo ship that length is less than 40m;
- one pair – in the case of a ship that is not intended to carry a cargo.
Draught marks are placed on both sides of a ship, so that the horizontal line or the lower edge of horizontal plate was at the same level as the plane of maximum permissible draught for which a ship was measured.
Draught marks are placed symmetrically in regard to the geometric centre of the waterline lying at the mid-length of a distance between the water-plane area and the plane of maximum permissible draught.
The distance between draught marks should be 1/n of ship’s length, where n is the number of pairs of marks greater than 1.
Draught marks are permanently inscribed by carving or punching a line or by welding plates on plating. They should be also painted in appropriate contrastive colours.
Measurement symbol consist of distinguishing letter of inspection body and the number of tonnage certificate.
Measurement symbol is permanently inscribed on draught marks. It should be placed in well visible place, defined in tonnage certification, in any part of ship, so as it is not exposed to damage.
Measurement symbols shall be inscribed on all draught marks if the number of pairs is greater than 2. When there are 3 pairs of marks, symbols should be inscribed only on the middle pair.
On the hull plating, alongside draught marks, draught scale should be placed.
Types, size, arrangement, technique of making and the colours of the scale should comply with PN-W-18052 (ISO 7606) standards.
The lower edge of keel or, in the case of keel’s absence, the lower edge of hull is considered to be a datum – point zero of draught scale.
Draught scale of a ship that is not intended to carry cargo and which draught is not more than 1 m, is placed upon the request of ship operator.
Application for issuance of tonnage certificate.
Ship operator submits application for issuance/expansion of tonnage certification to the Office. (Application form is available for download on our website in the folder “files for download”)
The following documents should be attached to application:
- Certification of ship measurement
- Tonnage measurement
The Office of Inland navigation in Szczecin charges the following fees:
- Tonnage certification for cargo ships – PLN 150
- Tonnage certification for ships that are not intended to carry cargo – PLN 100
- Duplicate of tonnage certificate – PLN 60
Fees do not include the charges for activities connected with ship measurement.
The fees for particular activities connected with ship measurement are defined in annex no. 5 of the Regulation by Minister of Infrastructure from 22 June 2010 oninland waterways ship tonnage measurements (Dz. U. no. 115, item 772)
- Dokument utworzony 30 November 2021
- Autor dokumentu Igor Szyjan
- Ostatnia modyfikacja 10 December 2021
- Autor modyfikacji Igor Szyjan